Tsotsi Response
My initial response to this movie the first day was negative, there are some very disturbing scenes in the film. I usually never really pay much attention to music in movies, I hear it and everything but I don't really think about how the music correlates with what is going on in the scenes. The students' presentation let me know to focus on this aspect of the movie, and once I did I recognized some significance. There were parts of the movie where the music was appropriate for the scene, and other where the music was not appropriate. One example of where the music was appropriate was in the final scene when Tsotsi is giving the baby back to his parents and he is surrounded by the police, the music is soft and has a sad tone to it. One example of when the music seemed inappropriate was in a scene when Sonny is telling them they went too far when they killed the man on the train, and happy club music is playing. It is interesting to see how this type of film uses music as we learned about South African film.
Good use of hte student context-setting presentation to deepen your response. Mimi